To all employees, former employees, and valued business partners!
I am delighted to announce that this year we are celebrating the
🎉 60th anniversary of the Masterfoam Group in Ootmarsum. 🎉
Founded in 1964 as a subsidiary of Vito-Irmen, the company was soon taken over by the Tel family from Ootmarsum who continued to run the company as Tel Products for many years. Hein Wiegerinck took over in in 2002 and the company name Masterfoam was established. During the takeover by Udo J. Storck with Wandiko as a partner, the internationalization was driven forward. The entry of the former Kramo owners from Belgium enabled further expansion and was also the building block for the tripling of the company’s turnover in the last 5 years, making it one of the leading converters in mainly Europe.
On the long road through the decades, the requirements, applications, and framework conditions have changed continuously. The group has always been able to adapt, and flexibility has played an important role in this. Nevertheless, has always remained true to itself – the processing of flexible materials for customized products has been the company’s purpose from day one and still is today. We are proud of our history and achievements and look forward to continuing our success in the future.
It remains for me to say a big thank you to the current and former employees, to the former directors, to such loyal employees, – some of whom have been with the company for 40 years – and to the many companions who have worked with and for us.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you.
Udo J. Storck
Managing Director/ Co-Owner